NM Senior 2005
Notodden, 19.03.05
Wrestler informations
RingerCharlotte LoenneckenNUMBER COMPETITORS3
ClubOslo BK, NORNumber of Matches2
Verband Number of wins0
Age classSKClass. Points0 : 7
Weight63kgTechnical points0 : 18
Ranking3.Age group-
Wrestler red / AREA FEDERATIONWrestler blue / AREA FEDERATIONPoints systemT. Point
N. 1st round
Charlotte Loennecken
Oslo BK, NOR
Lene Aanes
Narvik AK, NOR
VT 0:40 : 10
N. 2nd round
Maria Brede Johansen
Kråkerøy BK, NOR
Charlotte Loennecken
Oslo BK, NOR
VP 3:08 : 0

[Overview] [Norges Bryteforbund] [Turneringer 2005] [Brytedatabase (Liga-Database)]

Updated: 15.05.11 (A service of Turnierverwaltung Ringen)