Eesti MV maadluses õpilastele
Põltsamaa, 30.10.2021
Wrestler informations
WrestlerSander AlekandNUMBER COMPETITORS8
ClubTartu Valla SKNumber of Matches1
District Number of wins0
CategoryKr-r.Class. Points0 : 5
Weight52kgTechnical points0 : 0
Ranking7.Born in-
Wrestler red / AREA FEDERATIONWrestler blue / AREA FEDERATIONPoints systemT. Point
1/4 final
Karlis Ander All
Tartu K Englas
Sander Alekand
Tartu Valla SK
FI 5:0 
[Overview][Aktuelle Turniere]
Updated: 30.10.21 (A service of Turnierverwaltung Ringen)