17. Tapa maadluspäev
Tapa, 12.10.2019
Tapa, 12.10.2019 
List of winners262932353842454851556065718092110
Single results262932353842454851556065718092110
Competition sheet (PDF)262932353842454851556065718092110
List of winners364250576888
Single results364250576888
Competition sheet (PDF)364250576888
List of winners6067778797130
Single results6067778797130
Competition sheet (PDF)6067778797130
List of winners as text file (tab separated)List of winners as text fileSingle matches
List of winners as PDF file All matches (PDF) 
Match list NoMatch ListBeginning
15Matt A leht 9 (finished)
14Matt A leht 8 (finished)
13Matt B leht 6 (finished)
12Matt A leht 7 (finished)
11Matt A leht 6 (finished)
10Matt B leht 5 (finished)
9Matt A leht 5 (finished)
8Matt B leht 4 (finished)
7Matt A leht 4 (finished)
6Matt A leht 3 (finished)
5Matt A leht 2 (finished)
4Matt B leht 3 (finished)
3Matt B leht 2 (finished)
2Matt B leht 1 (finished)
1Matt A leht 1 (finished)
[Overview][Aktuelle Turniere]
Updated: 12.10.19 (A service of Turnierverwaltung Ringen)