Baltimaade KV ja Viljandi Karikas 2018
Viljandi, 10.11.2018
Viljandi, 10.11.2018 
List of winners5761657074798697125
Single results5761657074798697125
Competition sheet (PDF)5761657074798697125
List of winners23262932353842465054
Single results23262932353842465054
Competition sheet (PDF)23262932353842465054
List of winners35
Single results35
Competition sheet (PDF)35
List of winners as text file (tab separated)List of winners as text fileSingle matches
List of winners as PDF file All matches (PDF) 
Matchlist NoMatch ListBeginning
16Matt A / B leht 10 (finished)
15Matt A / B leht 9 (finished)
14Matt A / B leht 8 (finished)
13Matt A / B leht 7 (finished)
12Matt A / B leht 6 (finished)
11Matt A / B leht 5 (finished)
10Matt B leht 6 (finished)
9Matt A leht 4 (finished)
8Matt B leht 5 (finished)
7Matt B leht 4 (finished)
6Matt B leht 3 (finished)
5Matt B leht 2 (finished)
4Matt A leht 3 (finished)
3Matt A leht 2 (finished)
2Matt B leht 1 (finished)
1Matt A leht 1 (finished)
[Overview][Aktuelle Turniere]
Updated: 10.11.18 (A service of Turnierverwaltung Ringen)