CWC 2013
Copenhagen, 04.-05-05-2013
Wrestler informations
RingerNoah HenrikssonNUMBER COMPETITORS4
ClubKlippans BKNumber of Matches3
Verband Number of wins1
Age classPuslingeClass. Points5 : 10
Weight24kgTechnical points21 : 15
Ranking3.Age group-
Wrestler red / AREA FEDERATIONWrestler blue / AREA FEDERATIONResultV
N. 1st round
Noah Henriksson
Klippans BK
Ted Severinsson
BK Starke
8:1 TP red
4:0 VT red
N. 2nd round
Noah Henriksson
Klippans BK
Wilmer Guldstrand
BK Atle
2:6 VT blue
N. 3nd round
Noah Henriksson
Klippans BK
Idal Timirbiev
BK Atlas Frederikstad
7:8 VT blue
FI=Forfeit Injury, DQ=Disqualification, VP=Decision by points, VT=Victory by fall, TP=Überlegener Punktsieg

[Overview] [Aktuelle Turniere]

Updated: 05.05.13 (A service of Turnierverwaltung Ringen)