Tallinn Open 2023
Tallinn, 24.-26.03.2023
List of winners45485155 kg6065718092110Club-Results
Single results454851556065718092110
Competition sheet (PDF)454851556065718092110
55 kgFS 2006 - 200717 Participants
1.Oubayda ITAEVTeam France FS (FRA)
2.Nazar BOVTUNZbarazh (UKR)
3.Ilias LAAOUINAYoung Lions (NED)
4.Ahmad ARSUNKAEVVasas-Szarvas (HUN)
5.Rohan DU PLESSISGauteng North (RSA)
6.Stefan GOUWSGauteng North (RSA)
7.Aleksandr POPRAVKOAuksinis Lokys (LIT)
8.Yusuf MOHAMMEDTeam Great Britain (GBR)
9.Vladyslav MODNYIZbarazh (UKR)
11.Justas BERZONSKISKlaipeda (LIT)
12.Oleksandr KOVALEVSKYIZbarazh (UKR)
13.Lenerd VAN SCHALKWYKGauteng North (RSA)
14.Nurutdin MAGOMEDOVFont-Romeu (FRA)
15.Markuss GEKSDaugmale SC (LAT)
15.Peter TOTOKVasas-Szarvas (HUN)
17.Artem YABLONSKYIKontakt (EST)
[Overview][Aktuelle Turniere]
Updated: 03.04.23 (A service of Turnierverwaltung Ringen)